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Will of Robert Darkenall of Withyham, 1592


In the Name of God Amen …………………?


…. pishe of Wythyham in the countye of Sussex yeoman, beinge sicke in bodye but of good and pfecte Remembrance thanks be given unto Allmightye God, doe ordayne and make this my Testament and last will in manner and forme followinge            ffirste I bequeathe my soule unto Allmightye God by whose ..ely death and bludsheddinge I truste to be saved.   And my Bodye to be buryed wthn the churcheyarde of Wythiham aforesaide.            Item I geve to the poore people that shalbe at my buriall xs to be distributed at the discretion of myne Overseers hereafter named and by me appoynted.      Alsoe I will and desire that Mr Cackfield our parsondoe make one godlye sermon to the Edifyinge of the people that shalbe at my buriall, and he to have for his paynes vis viiid.     Item I will and bequeathe unto Johane Quayfe my daughter two keyne to be delivered unto her ymediatlye after my decease at the discretion of of Issabell my wife.   Item I will and geve unto Robte Quaife the eldeste sonne of Johane my daughter my Cupboard and my table now standinge in my Chamber wth the fr… forme and benches to the same table belonginge; one joyned bedstedle; one little square table and a cheste now standinge in my parlor prsentlie after the decease of Issabell my wife. Item I will and bequeathe unto Edwarde Quayfe one other of the sonnes of the foresaid Johane my daughter, one other joyned bedstedle and one joyned Cheste now standinge in my upper Chamber to be delivered to him prsentlye after the decease of Issabell my wife.  Alsoe I will and desire that Thomas Buckherst of Cuckfeld (?) and Richard Pigott of Cowden shalbe my Overseers of this my last will and testamente, unto whome I will and geve xs a peece over and besides all Chardges that they shalbe …? in or concerninge this my last will and testament.         All the Residue of moveable goods not willed or bequeathed my Debts paid, my severall expenses dischardged & my will pformed I will and bequeathe unto Issabell my wellbeloved ……………….



……….. in the said Countye of Sussex ffurther my mynde and will is that Johane Quayfe my daughter shall have the occupation of all those three peeces or pcells of land called the Upper Bakehouse fyeld, the lower Bakehouse fyeld, and the Dubble? Crofte wth all thapprtenances Conteyninge in the whole by estimation tenn acres lyinge and beinge in the said pishe of Wythiham during all her naturall life, And after the decease of the said Johane my daughter I will and geve all the said three peeces or pcells of land soe to her devysed wth all thapprtenances to the foresaid Robert Quayfe her sonne, to have and to hold to him the sayde Robert & to his heires under such pvisoes Condicons lymitacons and payments as hereafter in this my last will are conteyned and not otherwise.          Alsoe I will that Issabell my wife shall have all that my messuage or tenement wherin I now dwell called or known by the name or names of Buckhornes or by whatsoever other name or names the same is called or known, wth all the lands & apprtenences to the same belonginge now in my occupation, other than such as before are willed and devised to Joane Quayfe my daughter, to have and to hold all the same pmisses wth thappurtenences soe laste above devysed to my wife to her and her assignes during her naturall life, she keepinge and maynteyninge the repairs thereof during the same terme.  And after the decease of the said Issabell my wife I will and geve all the said messuage or tenement, lands and other the prmisses wth thappurtenences in manner and forme aforesaid lymyted & appoynted to my said wife, to the said Robert Quayfe, to have and to hold to him, the said Robert and his heires ……………….. condicons & lymitacons ……………………



……………. to Issabell my wife, as the same are hereafter lymited and appoynted That is to saye                     Item I bequeathe unto Willyam Darkenall of Spelherste my brother three pounds viis viiid          And unto his ffower children ?xs a peece of lawfull  oneye of England to be payd out of the proffitts of the foresaid Tenement and land before appoynted unto Issabell my wife wthn one yeare nexte after her decease upon Reasonable demand of them and everye of them.             And alsoe I will and give unto Edwarde Darkenall of Pensherste my brother liiis iiiid and unto everye of his two children vis viiid of lawfull moneye of England to be payde unto them out of the foresayde Tenement and lands nexte after the payments aforesaid as the yearelye Rente Issues and proffitts thereof will amounte and aryse to levye and paye the same.               Item I will and bequeathe unto Andrewe Darkenall my brother xls of lawfull money of England to be payde out of the said Tenement and lands in manner and forme as aforesaid next after them before written.     Item I will and bequeathe unto my sister Pilgrem xls and unto every of her children vis viiid of lawfull money of England to be paide out of the foresaid Tenement and lands as the same shall or maye convenientlye arise or growe out of the Issues and proffitts thereof next after the full satisfaction of all the payments and bequeathes aforesaide.         Item I will and bequeathe unto my sister Shubridge xls and unto every of her children vis viiis of lawfull money of England to be payde out of the foresaid Tenement and lands  the same shall …………? arise or growe out of the ……….. proffitts thereof next after the full ……….? of all the payments and bequeathes ………?                Item I will and bequeathe unto ……………………………



……………….  And the payments aforesaid.  Item I will and bequeathe unto my sister Anne xls of lawfull money of England to be paid out of the foresaid Tenement and land as the same shall or maye convenientlye arise or growe out of the proffitts thereof next after the full satisfaction of all the payments aforesaid.                     Alsoe I will and bequeathe unto Ann Medherste my servaunte xxs of lawfull money of England to be paid out of the foresaid Tenement and land as the same shall or maye convenientlye arise or growe out of the proffitts thereof next after the full satisfaction of all the payments aforesayde.            Provided always that if anye the payments aforesaid shalbe behind and unpayde contrarye to the true and playne meaninge of this my last will, That then my mynde and will is that it shall and maye be lawfull to suche psone and psons to whome any such defaulte of payment as aforesaid shalbe made to enter into all the said Tenement land and prmisses wth thappurtenences and the Rents and proffitts thereof to take and receive untill he or they be fullye satisfyed and contented there severall legacies and bequeathes soe then behind and unpayde contrarye to my true and playne meaninge anye thinge herein before mencioned to the contrarye in anye wise notwthstandinge.  Item I will that John Quayfe my sonne in law his Executors and assignes shall have the occupation of that my house or cottage wherein he now dwellethe situate and being Wythiham aforesayde wth all the lands thereunto now belonginge and now being in the occupation of the foresaid Joh  Quayfe conteyninge in the …..? estimation ffower acres be it more or lesse ……? and continuinge all the terme of the naturall life of Johane Quayfe my daughter                     And after the decease of Johane Quayfe my daughter then I will and give all the foresaid house or cottage …………? ffower acres of land aforesayde wth all thappurtenances thereunto belonginge …………………………….



………………….. to be of the full age of xxv yeares then my will and trus meaninge is that my Overseers or the survivor of them shall have full power and authoritye by vertue of this my last will and testament to lett and ..tt? …? the foresayde house or cottage wth the foure acres of land aforesaid wth there appurtenances at & by there discretion to the most advantage of myne heire        And when myne heire shalbe of the full age of xxv yeares aforesayde then my foresaid Overseers heires Executors or Assignes to Reander and yield up a true accompte and to make payment thereof unto myne heire all such moneys as they shall have Receyved for the farme of the house or cottage & foure acres of land aforesayde.      And if it shall fortune anye of the foresayde Robert Quayfe or Edward Quayfe to departe out of this worlde before they shalbe of lawfull age then I will that the Overlyver shall have all his pte and porcon that soe is departed out of this psent worlde yeldinge and payinge unto everye pson all such somes of money as before is appoynted to be payde and accordinge to this my true meaninge here in this my last will written                        And if it shall fortune that Issabell my wife shall departe out of this worlde at anye tyme wthin the terme and space of ffyve yeares next after my decease Then my will is that if John Quayfe my sonne in lawe will enter into Bond wth one sufficient suretye to be bound by obligation sufficient upon such resonable covenants as shalbe thoughte moste by the discretion of my Overseers           And to paye truly sixe pounds of lawfull money of England yearely at two t..mes? in the yeare by them appoynted, then the foresayd John Quayfe to have the occupation of the ……..? tenement and lands before willed and given unto his sonne Roberte untill the said Roberte shall ……………. he soe longe had lyved accomplyshed the full age of xxv yeares afore written, and not ……………………….



………………… Read and sealed in the presents of John Draner?, Richarde Morse?, And Henry Pigott wth others



Probatum fuit……………..


xi die mensis Januarii ano dom 1592…………… Issabella relict ………………..