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PRO Ref: WO/121/35/50





The Kent Provisional Cavalry


Whereof George K. H. Coussmaker? Is Lieut Col Commandant


These are to certify that John Dutnal Private

Soldier in the aforesaid Regiment in Lieut Col Savery’s

Troop has served honestly and faithfully for the space

of nine months but having met with an Accident by

a flick from a Horse is rendered unfit for Service and is

hereby discharged and humbly recommended as a proper

Object of His Majesty’s Royal Bounty of Chelsea Hospital

He having first received all his Just demands on the

said Regimant of Pay arrears of Pay Cloathing &c from

the day of his enrollment to this present day of his

Discharge as appears by his receipt on the back hereof


Given under my Hand and Seal of the Regiment at

Eastbourne the 22d day of April 1799


G: K: H: Coussmaker?

Ln Col: Com: of K.P.C.




I, John Dutnall do acknowledged to have received

all my pay arrears of pay clothing &c and every

other just demand on the said regiment

from the Day of my enrollment to the present

Day of my Discharge

2n Mr Jn Dicken &

Jo Dutnall


As witness my hand this 22nd Day of April 1799


I certify that John Dutnall being incurably

Lame is unfit for Service

M Davies Surgeon





Kent Provisional Cavalry

Coln. Co?nakey’s


Jno. Dutnall


Aged === 22


Served === ¾


Disabled left Leg by

the Kick of a Horse

Ospringe Near

Feversham Kent


A Labourer