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Inventory of Susanna Durtnall of Marden, 1669


Centre for Kentish Studies, Ref: PRC/11/31/76



……… Goods of Susan ………

            Appraised by …………..

            Written the 29 Day of …… Sovereign Lord Charles the Second ……….

England, Scotland ……. Defendor of the

Faith is as follows




L        s        d

Imprs. Her wearing apparell of linnenn

And woollen



1   -   10   -   0

In the Kitchen

It. three brass bottles 3 brass skillett a brass

chaffing dish a scummer 3 brass spoones a

warming pan




0   -   28   -   6

It. 12 pewter disshes two pewter chamber pot a

flaggon two candlestickes two pewter saltes

5 pewter sawcers two cupes two porrengers



1   -   6   -    0


It. one iron pot one iron kettle 2 grid yiron a

box smoothing iron two payer of pot hangers two

brandirons & payer of tonges a flice 3 lattern?

pans a spit a toasting iron a ..l…? & other sevral?

Things of iron




0   -   16   -   6

It. a cayr?* 4 …….? Disshes a fer? t…..?

a forme a few? old …….?



0   -   11   -   6

It. a old ….? a keeler 2 ……? a …..? a

basket ..? …..ells? & other …..?



0   -    5   -    6

It. 3 treys? 4 little woodden bowles 2 woodden

platters a towet? & pallon? A old cheste a old k….?

a ….al? bag 3 finess? A morter & pessell



0   -   12   -   6

In the chamber? a top of the Stayers?

It. a flock bed a old bedsted two blankett a

bolster two chestes a Lace with a pcell of

a ……?




1   -    2   -    0

In the best chamber

It. a flock bed two bolsters two pillows two

blankets a old coverlet & the bedsted it lyeth on



1   -    2   -    6

It. two chestes foure? …..? two little tables two

little joyns st….? …..?



0   -   13   -   0

It. 7 payer of sheetes & some other small

peeces of linnen



2   -    4   -    6

It. 5 payer more of sheetes 26 napkins 4

table cloats 3 payer of pillow coates



4   -   1   -   10

It. one sheete more & a cupbord cloth


0    -   4   -    0

It. one old woollen trendell a payer of stockards

two dozen of white trenchers & other old lumber

aboute the howse



0   -    6   -    4

It. for things out of sight and forgotten

0   -    2   -    0


* possibly chair


Thomas Spaggers?

Robert Wood



Note: The inventory is not totalled, but I have calculated the total to be £16 6s 8d.