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Inventory of Rose Durtnall of Leeds, widow, 1667


Centre for Kentish Studies, Ref: PRC/11/28/83



A true and perfectt account of the goods and depts

Of Rose Durtnall widdow Late of Leeds deceased



L        s        d

Imprimis her linen and wollen apparell

1   -    0   -   0

It. ten acres of wheat at 1l 4s an acre

12   -   0   -  0

It. ten acres of barley at 1l 8s an acre

14   -   0   -  0

It. six acres of otes at 12s an acre

3   -   12   -  0

It. foure acres of pease and tares at 15s an acre

3   -    0   -   0

It. halfe an acre of hay after ye rate of

    one pound an acre

0   -   10   -  0


Depts owing to the deceased which

was then due to her from these psons

under named at the time of her death


Im. due from Abell Beaching of Langley

0   -   10   -   0

It. due from John Fullagate of Langley

0   -    6   -    0

It. due from William Perkins of Langley

0   -    5   -    0





                                                            Sum totall is               35l       3s         0d

                                                                                    The indte of

                                                                        Alexander       Durtnall. Aom.



The Depts which Rose Durtnall widdow late

of Leeds deceased owed when she died and her funerall




L        s        d

It. due then from the deceased to her

Landlord Richard Meredith Esq

for rent at the feast of Sta Micaell the

archangel 1666




17   -   5   -   0

It. due then to her sonne Alexander

Durtnall for 2 yeares wages at 9l p anum



18   -   0   -   0


0   -   11   -   0

two ..it…ds?

0   -    4   -   8


1   -    1   -   2


37 -   01  -  10




The Accompt of Alexander Durtnall

sonne and administrator of the goods

of Rose Durtnall late of Leeds



                        37:       01:       10

                        35:       03:       00

                        01:       18:       10



29 Martij 1667