Edward Derknoll of London,
In the name of God Amen The twentieth daie of October Anno Dm One thousand Six
hundred and two, and in the fower and fortieth yere of the reigne of our
soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god Queene of England ffraunce and
Irelande Defender of the fayeth, I: Edward Derknoll Citizen and Butcher of
London sick in bodye, but of perfect minde and memorie (praise be given to god
for the same) doe make and declare my last will and Testament, in manner and
forme following, (that is to saie) ffirst and principally I commende my soule
into the hands of almightie god my creator, assuredly trustinge to be saved by
the death and pretious bloud-sheeding of my Lorde and saviour Jesus Christe my
Redeemer, and to have free remission of all my sinnes, and to inherite
everlasting life in the Kingdom of Heaven
Item I will my bodie to be buried in the parish
Church of Sainte Marten Orgar in London, Whereof I am a parishioner, Item I
bequeath to the poore of the same parish forty shillinges, Item I bequeath to
the children of the Hospitall in London twentie shillinges eight pence And I
will that for manie of them as shall come to my ffunerall shall have a
peny-loaf a peece; Item I bequeath to the oute poore three poundes in money to
be distributed amongst them by two pence a peece; Item I give unto Edward
Ansloe sonne of John Ansloe tenn poundes; Item I give unto John Ansloe sonne of
the saide John Ansloe five poundes; Item I give unto Edward Derknoll sonne of
xpofer Derknoll withe the tenn poundes of the saide Edwardes which I have in my
hands Twentie poundes; Item I give unto Nicholas Derknoll sonne of my brother
Willm Derknoll with the tenn poundes of his the saide Nicholas which I have in
my handes twenty poundes; Item I give and bequeath unto the sayed Edward
Derknoll sonne of the sayed xpofer Derknoll the Lease of the land called
Way-hurst in the Countie of Sussex, togeather withall my estate right title
interest terme of yeres to come claime and demande whatsoever of and in the saide
lease and lande. Provided allwayes that if the saide Edward Derknoll shall nott
retorne safe into England That then and from thenceforth the saide guifte and
bequeast to the sayed Edward Derknoll of the saide lease and lande to be
utterly voyde and of none effect; Item I bequeath to my mayd ffraunces a gowne;
Item I give to my man Robert a hoes, doublet and cloake; Item I give unto the
saide Nicholas Derknoll a cloake and a ierkin; Item I give unto Alice Broman a
gowne; Item I give unto the Livery of the companie of Butchers of London (if
they goe to Churche with my bodie on the daie of my buriall) ffortie
shillinges; Item I give unto my brother Polinge and his wief to each of them a
Seale ringe. The residue of all my singular my goodes chattells leases credits
and debts by me hereby nott bequeathed (my debts paied my ffuneralls
discharged, and this my present Testament in all thinges truely performed) I
give and bequeath in manner and forme following (that is to saie) thone half
thereof I doe give and bequeath unto my loving wief Dorothie in full
satisfaction of all such goodes parte and porcon, as she maie claime of my
goodes and estate after my death by the custome of the Cittie of London or
otherwise; But if she doe refuse to accepte of the same: then this guifte to my
saide wief to be voide, And thother half or moyetie of my saide goodes
chattells creditts and debts I give and bequeath unto my loving kinsman Jasper
Derknoll, And I make and constitute my saide wief and the saide Jasper Derknoll
Executors of this my last will and Testament.
In witness whereof I have hereto putt my Seale the
daye and yeres abovesaide. Read sealed and delivered as the last will and
Testament of the saide Edward Derknoll in the pnce of me Peter Wilkinson me
John Anslowe and John Symons servaunt to John Ryder Notary.